Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1.13.09: having nothing to do is way overrated

This afternoon, I was invited to a portfolio presentation of three former students from my methods class. It made me feel so incredibly grateful to be in the field of education with a profession that makes me feel like my time working is always worth it. I was so proud of them and so jealous that they're in there, working with kids every day and generally being useful to society. I'm not going to lie - as great as some parts of grad school are (flexible schedule, naps, coffeehouses, etc.) there are also some seriously frustrating parts (flexible schedule, naps, coffeehouses, etc.). I'm excited for classes to start again so I can at least feel useful once a week.

I will say, though stuck in front of my computer quit
e a bit, that I am enjoying the local DJ-less radio station that plays all sorts of random music. Today I've bounced along with "Ho-tel, mo-tel, Holiday Inn! Say what?", "Purple rain, purple rain!", "We built this city! We built this city on rock and roll!" and "Mmm bop! Bop a bop doo bop a ditty bop bop mmm bop..." It's a way better song than I remembered. You better believe I sing along. If I were my neighbors, I would start to worry.

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