Sunday, March 29, 2009

3.29.2009: Catching Up

i'll try to get back into a daily posting cycle... no, who am i kidding? i probably won't. but i do want to be more regular about it. for instance, i found a couple of pictures i took this month with my cell phone and had such pleasant memories from them...

the first one is from the union terrace - every once in awhile, local artists put up a sculpture that makes it look like the statue of liberty froze in lake mendota. our city has a great sense of humor and great public art. the snow and ice have melted in the last few weeks, the lakes are now lapping at the shores again, and the statue of liberty is gone. though several inches of snow fell this weekend, it is almost all melted. i love spring! without sounding cheesy, it's amazing how our earth can regenerate itself every season.


the second pic is from the hotel washington coffee shop on the shore of lake monona. it is one of my favorite places in the city - a coffeeshop/yarn and homemade soap store. it has such a great vibe and is filled with grad students studying and middle-aged moms chatting about their teenage kids. so relaxing... and productive. 


today's best moments were with will. we ate a huge, disgusting egg and cheese scrambler (will's had gravy - this was seriously a gutbuster) at mickey's dairy bar while working on the ny times crossword puzzle - his first ever, and he was a natural. we had planned to break away on our own to get schoolwork done after brunch, but got addicted to the puzzle for the next several hours and almost finished it. what a wonderful sunday.

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