Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4.1.2009: Taken for Granted

There are so many little aspects of my day that I take for granted... yesterday, for instance, I received world-class health care for free during a regular check-up, drove around town in a car I trust to keep going and keep me safe, typed on my wireless laptop while listening to the music I wanted to listen to through my headphones, and ate at a restaurant and a coffeeshop without worrying about how to pay for it. I spent time with several good people who care about me (and vice versa). I slept in a comfortable bed and turned on the heat because I was cold. Nothing spectacular happened - that was a normal day for me. There are times I wonder how I got to be so lucky that a day like that is normal... how many people in the world don't have what I simply take for granted? How different of a person would I be if those things were gone? Deep thoughts.

On a lighter note, I have a good joke. I can never remember jokes, but this is one that I told Will weeks ago and then he told me back yesterday and I laughed just as hard.

What are the two sexiest animals on the farm?

Brown chicken, brown cow.
(said, of course, a la "bow chicka bow wow" sexy music-style). Did you at least giggle?

1 comment:

  1. Miss your posts! I hope you are doing great! It won't be long now until we get to SEE you! xoxo
