Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My friend Alexa and I had a garage sale last weekend. She made $700, I made $70 (but they are a family of four who are moving and I am but one who is staying). My favorite item for sale which did not sell was this pair of shoes that her husband bought for a joke. Yes, he marked them at $20.

Her daughter was such a charmer the whole weekend. She kept putting on clothes her mom had laid out to sell - including this hat and, later, a snow suit she wore on her head with the hood.

The running joke was that we ended up with more stuff by trading with each other. From Alexa, I got two books, a big wooden salad bowl, an old tent, and these cute shoes that mostly fit.

Aside from garage sale bargains, we also gave brief history lessons as people came into the old squash court wondering what kind of room it was. Their house (more like a cottage) was the game lodge of the old estate - very charming, but not intended to be a permanent residence. They are happy to be moving away from the mice, for example. I still love it.

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